
My Specialty: Adolescent Girls; Individual, Family, and Group Therapy

I am on a mission.

I want to help young girls become all they are meant to be.

I want to help them believe in themselves.

I want to help each girl to feel good about the unique person she is.

I want to help them know that each of them has her own special gifts and talents.

I want to use the negative messages they are getting from mass media to invoke conversation about morals, values and responsibility and help them discover and implement their own values and strengths in their lives.

I want to help steer them from eating disorders, substance abuse, sexual promiscuity, participating in gossip and harmful behavior, and steer them toward self-love, self-respect, and self-acceptance.

I want to educate, equip, and empower parents to successfully guide their daughters through adolescence to adulthood.

I want to help young girls become the women they want to be.

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