Walk-Talk Therapy


Walk -Talk Therapy is a mindfulness-based, body-oriented therapy that can make it easier for clients to relax, stop ruminating, release physical tension, breathe deeply and receive mind-body insight while processing experiences in a different way.

Walk-Talk Therapy takes place outside in nature while we walk. When we’re out walking we’re moving forward just as we are in the therapeutic process.

Walking and talking on the White Rock Creek Trail in Addison is a lesson in how we can take something so terrible and destructive and make something beautiful.

The Addison Arbor Foundation commissioned Hugo Prisciliano, a woodcarver from Waxahachie, to carve the lifelike figures from the tree stumps that remained from the devastating storms in June 2019.

Walking and talking at Celestial Park in Addison where inspiring quotes of great poets and writers are etched in Beautiful marble stairs can encourage deep processing and the reframing of life events.

Poetic stairs at Celestial Park, Addison, TX
Sundial at Celestial Park, Addison, TX

There are many peaceful parks in the north Dallas / Addison area that offer a perfect place to walk and talk. Please give me a call today to set up an appointment, or to get more information on this therapeutic service.

CALL TODAY: 214-679-3192

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